[ANSWERED 2022] Information systems support and facilitate the functioning of people to enhance and evolve nursing practice by generating knowledge. This knowledge represents five rights

Information systems support and facilitate the functioning of people to enhance and evolve nursing practice by generating knowledge. This knowledge represents five rights: the right information, accessible by the right people in the right settings, applied the right way at the right time. It is also the struggle to integrate new knowledge and old knowledge to enhance wisdom. If clinicians are inundated with data without the ability to process it, this yields too little wisdom. That is why it is crucial that clinicians have viable information systems at their fingertips to facilitate the acquisition, sharing and utilization of knowledge while maturing wisdom; it is a process of empowerment. If you could only meet FOUR of the Rights, which one would you omit, and why? Also, provide your rationale for each Right you chose to meet.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Information Systems in Nursing

The information system has the capacity not only to support but also facilitate the day to day functioning of individuals with the aim of enhancing or the evolution of nursing practice through the generation of knowledge (Kelly et al., 2018). Clinicians need to have viable information that will guide then to determine the prioritization of the five rights brought about knowledge. In the event that I could only meet four of the five rights, I would omit the right time.

Of the five accessible rights that enhance nursing practice, the right time is the least consequential of the five. For instance, the most important aspect is the right information, which will enable the nurse to identify the patient’s concern and decide on the most viable caring or treatment option. Information is important as it will inform all other rights and knowledge bases of proper functionality and evolution of the nursing practice (Kelly et al., 2018). The second right entails the right people; it is crucial that nursing knowledge is provided to the right people in order to be effective. A professional nurse with the ability to provide expert care to a patient with chronic illness can be used efficiently if the patient they are assigned to has a chronic illness.

The third is the right setting, which is also essential because the provision of care without considering the relevant settings and prerequisites might be fatal. Additionally, nursing practice has to be provided in the right way so as to avoid further complications or fatality (Chinn, & Kramer, 2017). Of the five rights, the right time is the least priority as the consequences it may present are less severe compared to the other rights. Be that as it may, the other four rights are able to mitigate the consequences that may be caused by omitting the right time.


Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2017). Knowledge Development in Nursing-E-Book: Theory and Process. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kelly, S. H., Koharchik, L., Henry, R., Cippel, M., Hardner, S., Kolesar, A., & Clark, B. (2018). An Advanced Medication Administration Experience to Promote Students’ Knowledge Acquisition in the Skill of Administering Medications. Teaching and Learning in Nursing13(2), 104-107.

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