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What does plagiarism mean?

Plagiarism is the occurrence where one presents another person’s work to pass as their own without consent or incorporating a reference to indicate borrowed content of ideas. However, simply using the words borrowing or copying does not depict the intensity of the matter. A person who commits plagiarism is actively stealing information that is not their own and taking credit for some else’s efforts (Plagiarism.

org, 2017). Plagiarizing can then be said to be a form of fraudulent activity where a person commits information theft. Not only is the person committing plagiarism stealing the information, but they are also lying about it and passes it as their own.

What are the 4 types of plagiarism?

The misrepresentation of information and ideas to pass off as your own can be a serious offense and potentially lead to legal consequences. There are four main types of plagiarism each detailing how information can be stolen or borrowed without consent. The first is direct plagiarism which occurs when a person adopts or copies information from another author without acknowledging the source of the information (Plagiarism.

org, 2017). The other type is mosaic plagiarism is where a person copies verbatim phrases from an existing document without using quotation marks.  The third is self-plagiarism where a person can copy ideas and information from their own previously done work. Accidental plagiarism is the third and focuses on misquotations, wrong sources, absence, or inadequate citations.

What are the five examples of plagiarism?

The first example of plagiarism is when a person passes off information or ideas as their own. This is the most common form of direct plagiarism. The second is the use of other person’s information without providing references and citations. The third is through the presentation of ideas of information an original despite being done previously either by self or another author (Plagiarism.

org, 2017). The fourth example of plagiarism is when the author fails to use quotation marks in phrases that have been copied verbatim from other sources. The fifth occurs when a person copies the same sentence structure, but changes various words and uses synonyms without accrediting the original author.

What are the 6 ways to avoid plagiarism?

Different strategies can be used to prevent the occurrence of plagiarism. One of the six strategies is to paraphrase the information using a different approach other than copying verbatim of similar sentence structures. The second way is to use quotation marks appropriately to prevent mosaic or direct plagiarism (, 2017). The third approach is to include a reference page and proper citations to ensure all borrowed content is cited and acknowledgment given to the author. The other three strategies include the use of summaries, conducting thorough research, and the use of plagiarism checkers, and rectify the affected areas.


What is in a bibliography?

Conducting research needs the use of articles from other authors that had the same or related ideas like the one being investigated to acquire insights on how to address the issue. The main concern is that the use of information from other sources needs to be acknowledged and incorporated into the new research (Plagiarism.

org, 2017). In this regard, the bibliography can be said to be the list of all the sources that have been used during the research process. The bibliography contains all the information concerning the source of the reference to give a full acknowledgment to the original author.

How do I write my bibliography?

To write a complete and effective bibliography, various components have to be incorporated into each bibliography. The main focus is to include the name of the authors depending on the format styles required. This will help identify the different authors involved with the research and accurately offering acknowledgment to their work.

The other key component is to include the complete title of the source and the year of publication (, 2017). This information is important to distinguish the specific bibliography and currency or relevance of the source to the article. Other components include the date in which the source was retrieved, page numbers, volume or issue, publishers, and links from where the source was retrieved.

What is the difference between references and bibliography?

While some people can use references and bibliographies interchangeably, various minor differences distinguish the two attributes. References entail a list of sources that have been cited within the text (, 2017). On the other hand, bibliographies entail a list of references that were used during the research regardless of whether they were cited within the text.

In this regard, the reference list is only limited to those cited while bibliographies provide all the sources depending on whether they were used as citations or not.

What is the meaning of a bibliography with examples?

The meaning of a bibliography bis the complete source information about articles information used in conducting research. The purpose of the bibliography is to acknowledge other authors and their ideas as they were used in the completion of the current research. While all bibliographies are important in completing the research, only a select number would be used to form the reference list or the works cited (, 2017). An example of bibliography in APA format can be “Deber, R. B., & Thompson, G. G. (2017). Purchasing hospital capital equipment: What role for technology assessment?. In Restructuring Canada’s Health Systems: How Do We Get There From Here? (pp. 213-222). University of Toronto Press.”

Why is a bibliography important?

The academic world is vast and continuously changing to incorporate new knowledge, information, and strategies to complete various components. In this regard, researchers or students need to borrow ideas, share knowledge, and also relate known knowledge to other theories, models, and other forms of work (Plagiarism.

org, 2017). To manage these attributes, bibliographies can be used to ensure that the source of the borrowed information is acknowledged. The purpose of a bibliography is to provide complete credit to the authors whose papers have been used, consulted, or rephrased to aid with the research.

Thesis Statement

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence at the end of an introduction that identifies the main topic of the paper and other correlates attributes that are to be discussed. The main aims of the thesis statement are to generate interest, provide a brief overview and critical insights on what the reader should expect from the paper (The Writing Center, 2021).

However, thesis statements can be used to provide the position of the author in an augmentative or research paper and depict the various strategies to be used to justify or confirm the position.

How do you write a thesis statement?

Writing a thesis statement needs to incorporate several elements to ensure that they meet the needs of the paper and inform the reader on what to expect. The first strategy is to state the main topic which forms the basic idea of the paper. The other aspect is to offer specific reasons that are in support of the idea (The Writing Center, 2021).

In some cases, the thesis needs to provide an opposing perspective that would indicate a different opinion or point of view of the research. Considering these attributes can help in writing a complete and detailed thesis statement to be effective to the reader or other researchers.

What are the 3 parts of a thesis statement?

The three main parts of a complete thesis statement include the limited subject, the opinion, and reasons. The limited subject has to be current, relevant, and meets the instructions provided by the instructor in case of a student or is in line with the research objective of a researcher(The Writing Center, 2021).

The opinion on the other hand helps provide the perceived answers that the author has regarding the subject matter. This helps in justifying why the subject is relevant and what is expected. The reason is the third element and it focuses on the methods and possible ideas to be incorporated into the essay or research paper.

How long is a thesis statement?

Despite the high number of information need within a thesis statement, it must be contained in one sentence. The different clauses, components, and parts have to be structured to fit within a single sentence (The Writing Center, 2021). However, there is an exception for complex and detailed papers or research studies that can use several sentences up to a paragraph to provide the different parts of the thesis statement, mainly the opinion, and the reasons.

What are the five elements of a thesis?

A thesis statement has various elements that distinguish it from other sentences within the research. The main and first element is the introduction of the topic which depicts the subject or main aim of the research. The second element is the provision of the theoretical basis that the research follows including personal opinions (The Writing Center, 2021).

The third is the overview of how the research will be implemented such as the methods and data collection strategies. The fourth and fifth elements include the results of the research and the final discussion.

References (2017). What’s a Bibliography? Retrieved 10 September 2021, from (2017). What is Plagiarism? – Retrieved 10 September 2021, from

The Writing Center. (2021).  Thesis Statements. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved 10 September 2021, from

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