[ANSWERED] Identify at least two stakeholder agency reporting sources. How do these external reporting groups contribute to or hinder CQI?

Identify at least two stakeholder agency reporting sources. How do these external reporting groups contribute to or hinder CQI?

Identify at least two stakeholder agency reporting sources. How do these external reporting groups contribute to or hinder CQI?

  1. You are going to present data that has been collected to your administrative group. The focus is on outcome measures and the data collected is unplanned readmission rates at two different hospitals. What format would you choose to display your data and why? What information would you include with the data?
  2. Identify at least two stakeholder agency reporting sources. How do these external reporting groups contribute to or hinder CQI?
  3. Select an effective current health policy that focuses on or affects population health. What components of this policy make it effective? Conduct research on its history and the factors that influenced its development

Question 1: Expert Answer and Explanation

Performance Improvement and Quality in Health Care

Format I would choose to Display the Data

I would choose the Continuity of Care Document (CCD) format to display data about unplanned readmission rates. This format of data presentation combines different HL7 technologies that ensure patient and other healthcare information is collected continuously without interruption to the present data flows (Srivastava et al., 2017).

The use of traditional patient charts as a method of display is slowly becoming extinct as it has major disadvantages such as being too tedious and poor ability to maintain it (Srivastava et al., 2017). However, for the CCD format of display to be effective in any setup, there is need for proper education of healthcare givers on the best ways of utilizing the health information.

Information I would include in the Data

Among the top categories of information I would include in the unplanned readmissions is the cause of the readmissions. In most of the cases, sepsis and other chronic conditions such as COPD and heart disease is the main cause of unplanned readmissions (Straatmann et al., 2020). Collecting this information would help the healthcare manager to launch specific program changes that would address the main challenge.

Collecting the demographic information of patients would also help to categorize the exact disease patterns and guide in the interventions (Huntley et al., 2016). For instance, if older individuals are more prone to the unplanned readmissions, there would be strategies to address the needs of the specific population. Also, I would include other data such as the associated costs of admission.


Huntley, A. L., Johnson, R., King, A., Morris, R. W., & Purdy, S. (2016). Does Case Management For Patients With Heart Failure Based In The Community Reduce Unplanned Hospital Admissions? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. BMJ open6(5). Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010933

Srivastava, S., Soman, S., Rai, A., Cheema, A., & Srivastava, P. K. (2017, March). Continuity of Care Document for Hospital Management Systems: An Implementation Perspective. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (pp. 339-345). https://doi.org/10.1145/3047273.3047362

Straatmann, V. S., Dekhtyar, S., Meinow, B., Fratiglioni, L., & Calderón‐Larrañaga, A. (2020). Unplanned Hospital Care Use in Older Adults: The Role of Psychological and Social Well‐Being. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society68(2), 272-280. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.16313

Question 2: Expert Answer and Explanation

Continuous Quality Improvement

Stakeholder reporting is a key issue in the healthcare spectrum as it facilitates accountability and growth of an organization. different agencies for stakeholder reporting are present each focused on the various attributes within the healthcare system. The agencies make up secondary information and are involved with policy development.

The two main agency reporting sources are the safety and labor agencies (Christianson et al., 2016). These agencies are focus on the overall outlook of the health care organization including the staffing, and measures taken to ensure proper and continuous development. The labor agencies are focused on the staffing ratios in that the health care organization has to share information concerning the professional counts and their ration against the number of patients or capacity of the organization (Lübbeke, Carr, & Hoffmeyer, 2019).

The safety agencies collect reports the measures in which an organization safeguards the interests of both the staff and the patients towards achieving efficient quality improvement

The external reporting groups are essential for contributing o the betterment of the CQI measures. As a matter of first importance, safety agencies can aid in increasing the standards of operations that are associated with internal safety measures. Safety includes measures to safeguard the nurses or other professionals and also the measures put in place to safeguard the patients.

This contributes to quality improvement by preventing hospital-acquired illness or patient falls (Petkovicet al., 2020). The labor agencies ensure that the health care organization is offering quality medical treatment by focusing on the number of medical practitioners available compared to the capacity of the organization. This reporting group contributes to the policies that require a predetermined nurse to patient ratios. These measures can improve the overall nature of CQI and foster the quality of health care provision.


Christianson, J. B., Shaw, B. W., Greene, J., & Scanlon, D. P. (2016). Reporting provider performance: what can be learned from the experience of multi-stakeholder community coalitions. Am J Manag Care22(suppl 12), S382-S392.

Lübbeke, A., Carr, A. J., & Hoffmeyer, P. (2019). Registry stakeholders. EFORT open reviews4(6), 330-336.

Petkovic, J., Riddle, A., Akl, E. A., Khabsa, J., Lytvyn, L., Atwere, P., … & Dans, L. (2020). Protocol for the development of guidance for stakeholder engagement in health and healthcare guideline development and implementation. Systematic reviews9(1), 1-11.

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Unplanned hospital readmissions

Unplanned hospital readmissions refer to instances where a patient who has been discharged from the hospital is re-admitted within a specified period of time. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including complications related to the initial condition, the development of a new health problem, or a failure to follow through with recommended post-discharge care.

Unplanned hospital readmissions can have a significant impact on patients, as they can lead to increased health risks, higher healthcare costs, and a lower quality of life. For example, readmissions can cause patients to experience additional stress, discomfort, and uncertainty, and they can also lead to a loss of independence and decreased mobility.

In addition to the negative impact on patients, unplanned hospital readmissions can also have significant implications for the healthcare system as a whole. Unplanned readmissions can strain healthcare resources, increase healthcare costs, and negatively affect the quality of care provided to other patients.

To reduce the incidence of unplanned hospital readmissions, healthcare providers must take a comprehensive approach that addresses both the medical and non-medical factors that contribute to this issue. This may include providing patients with better education and support during the discharge process, improving coordination between healthcare providers, and ensuring that patients have access to appropriate care and services after they leave the hospital.

Stakeholder agency reporting sources in healthcare

In the healthcare industry, there are several key stakeholders and agency reporting sources that play a role in ensuring the quality and safety of care provided to patients. Some of these include:

Government Agencies:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are government agencies that regulate various aspects of healthcare and monitor the performance of healthcare providers.

Accrediting Organizations:

Organizations such as the Joint Commission, the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP), and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) are responsible for accrediting healthcare organizations and evaluating their performance based on standards of quality and safety.

Professional Organizations:

Professional organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the American Hospital Association (AHA) provide resources, support, and advocacy for healthcare providers and represent their interests.

Patient Advocacy Groups:

Patient advocacy groups such as the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF), the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, and the National Institute for Patient Safety focus on improving the safety and quality of care provided to patients.

Insurance Companies:

Insurance companies, including private insurance companies and government-sponsored programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, are responsible for paying for healthcare services and often have a role in monitoring the quality of care provided to their beneficiaries.

These stakeholders and reporting sources play a critical role in ensuring the quality and safety of healthcare for patients, and it is important for healthcare providers to be aware of and comply with their regulations and standards.

Readmission rate national average

The national average readmission rate in the United States is estimated to be around 20%. This means that approximately one in five patients who are discharged from the hospital will be readmitted within 30 days. The exact readmission rate can vary depending on the population being studied, the type of healthcare facility, and the specific medical condition being treated.

It is important to note that the national average readmission rate serves as a benchmark for the healthcare system, and that individual healthcare providers and facilities may have readmission rates that are higher or lower than the average. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on reducing unplanned hospital readmissions, as they can have a significant impact on patient outcomes and healthcare costs.

There are several initiatives underway aimed at reducing readmission rates, including the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, which was established under the Affordable Care Act and penalizes hospitals that have high readmission rates for certain conditions. This program, along with others, has helped to raise awareness of the issue of unplanned hospital readmissions and encouraged healthcare providers to take steps to reduce their readmission rates.

Reducing hospital readmissions

Reducing hospital readmissions is a critical goal for healthcare providers, as unplanned readmissions can lead to increased healthcare costs, lower quality of care, and negative impacts on patient outcomes. There are several strategies that healthcare providers can use to reduce readmission rates, including:

Improving Transitions of Care:

Ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care both during their hospital stay and after they are discharged can help to reduce the risk of readmission. This may involve providing patients with clear instructions for managing their health after they leave the hospital, and ensuring that they have access to follow-up care with their primary care provider.

Enhancing Patient Education:

Providing patients with clear and concise information about their medical conditions and the steps they need to take to manage their health after they leave the hospital can help to reduce the risk of readmission. This may involve providing patients with written materials, educational videos, or interactive tools.

Improving Care Coordination:

Coordinating care between healthcare providers, including hospitals, primary care providers, and other specialists, can help to ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time, reducing the risk of readmission. This may involve using technology such as electronic health records to share information between healthcare providers.

Monitoring Patient Health:

Regular monitoring of patients after they leave the hospital can help to identify and address any potential health problems before they become more serious, reducing the risk of readmission. This may involve using remote patient monitoring technologies, such as wearable devices or mobile apps, to track patient health.

Involving Patients and Families:

Encouraging patients and their families to be active partners in their care can help to reduce the risk of readmission. This may involve involving patients and their families in developing care plans, providing them with information and support, and encouraging them to ask questions and provide feedback.

In conclusion, reducing readmission rates requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that involves healthcare providers, patients, and their families. By implementing these strategies, healthcare providers can help to ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time, reducing the risk of unplanned hospital readmissions and improving patient outcomes.

Negative impact of hospital readmissions

Unplanned hospital readmissions can have a significant negative impact on patients, the healthcare system, and the overall quality of care. Some of the key negative impacts include:

Increased Health Risks:

Readmissions can increase the risk of patient harm, including the development of new medical problems, adverse events, and drug interactions.

Increased Healthcare Costs:

Readmissions can increase healthcare costs by requiring additional hospital stays, diagnostic tests, and treatments. This can put a strain on healthcare resources and negatively impact the overall financial stability of the healthcare system.

Decreased Quality of Life:

Readmissions can lead to decreased quality of life for patients, as they can cause increased stress, discomfort, and uncertainty. This can also lead to a loss of independence and decreased mobility.

Decreased Trust in the Healthcare System:

Patients and their families may lose trust in the healthcare system if they feel that they are not receiving high-quality care, or if they are not receiving the support they need after they leave the hospital.

Increased Burden on Caregivers:

Readmissions can also increase the burden on caregivers, including family members, friends, and professional care providers, who may need to take time off from work or rearrange their schedules to provide additional support for the patient.

In conclusion, unplanned hospital readmissions can have a significant impact on patients, the healthcare system, and the overall quality of care. It is important for healthcare providers to take steps to reduce readmission rates and ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time, in order to improve patient outcomes and reduce the negative impact of readmissions.

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