[ANSWERED] As an interdisciplinary and introductory course, Introduction to Women’s Studies: Women and Society presents students with a variety of readings and methodologies exploring the complexities of gender and women’s roles

Analysis of News Article

Project Description

As an interdisciplinary and introductory course, Introduction to Women’s Studies: Women and Society presents students with a variety of readings and methodologies exploring the complexities of gender and women’s roles (historically and in contemporary societies). In this assignment, students will write a 3-page paper in which they apply these materials and approaches to a current news article related to women’s studies.

This year The New York Times published a series entitled In Her Words:  7 Issues, 7 Days.  From body politics to the gender wage gap, the seven articles explore inequities faced by women in the U.S.  The issues addressed in this series are broad and far ranging.  These are issues that affect women privately and publicly.  They have historical precedent, are deeply rooted in U.S. social norms and most, if not all, are almost invisible.

The New York Times acknowledges that many important topics that impact women are not addressed in this series.  It is a start, however.

Click here to access In Her Words: 7 Issues, 7 Days.


Please Note:  If you have problems viewing the 7 individual articles when using the above link, I have attached each article below.

Step 1:

  1. Choose one (and only one) article from The New York Times series, In Her Words: 7 Issues, 7 Days that you believe would prove useful in a discussion in a women’s studies course.

Please Note:  Do not use more than one (1) article from this series.  Papers that use more than one article will lose points.

Step 2:

  1. Using the materials from your Learning Resources (including the course modules), make explicit connections between your chosen article and women’s studies. Although you are using a news article, the primary purpose of the essay is to demonstrate how well you can apply course content to the news article.

Keep in mind that this paper is not about whether you “like” or “dislike” the article.  This paper is about how well you can apply information from the course to the article and demonstrate that you understand the course content.

For your convenience, below is a list of key concepts associated with this class.

WMST 200 Concepts

  • activism and social change
  • cultural construction
  • definition of gender vs. (biological) sex
  • definition of interdisciplinary
  • definitions of feminism
  • difference
  • differences in women’s priorities according to geography/history
  • diversity among women
  • effects of privilege
  • global perspectives
  • health
  • history of the women’s movement, divisions within feminism, history of women’s studies
  • identity
  • impact of women’s studies on the university
  • internalization of stereotypes
  • laws affecting women
  • local, national, and international initiatives on women’s rights (UN)
  • myths of feminism
  • oppression, sexuality, sexual orientation
  • place of women within traditional academic disciplines
  • power, privilege, and inequality
  • roles
  • sexism, horizontal sexism
  • stereotypes
  • theory and practice
  • various academic disciplines

Step 3:

Prepare a 2 page paper that contains the following:

  • An introductory paragraph which explains the purpose of the paper
  • A very briefs ummary of your chosen article (approximately 1 paragraph)
  • An analysis (or applied learning) of the news article in which you apply 2 to 3 particular concepts, theories and/or course content to the chosen article (this should be the longest section in the paper).  Clearly identify the 2 to 3 concepts you have chosen and explain how these concepts apply to the content in your chosen article.
  • A brief evaluation regarding how well the chosen article reflects current scholarship in women’s studies (approximately 1 paragraph)
  • A concluding paragraph

Additional information about your paper:

  • In-text citations and references must be used in this paper.
  • The paper requires a cover sheet (title page) and a reference page.
  • The total number of pages for the body of the paper should be 2 pages (not including the cover sheet and reference page).
  • The paper should follow APA style.  Please use the WMST 200 APA Style Guide that I\’ve provided for you as this is the guide that I use to grade your papers.
  • The paper should be double-spaced
  • Paragraphs should be indented 5 spaces
  • The pages should be numbered.
  • Do not include an abstract.

 Step 4 

Helpful Hints 

  • When quoting or summarizing any information from the course materials or any other resource materials be sure to cite and reference this information.
  • The WMST 200 APA Style Guide (page 4) located under Course Resources provides a sample of a cover sheet (title page). Use the cover sheet that does not include an Abstract.
  • To make this interesting choose an article that taps into one of your interest areas or addresses an issue that you would like to know more about.
  • Writing mechanics, spelling, grammar, syntax and citation all are crucial to your ability to communicate clearly and thus will affect your grade.

This paper is worth 100 points and will be graded using the Grading Rubric attached

Expert Answer and Explanation

Article Analysis

Traditionally, women were viewed as inferior people across the globe. They were not allowed to receive education or get involved in political issues. However, women have, over the years, fought for their place in the contemporary world. This study aims to make explicit connections between Economic Inequities by Kristin Wong and concepts in women’s studies.

Summary of the Article

Economic Inequities was written by Wong and published by the New York Times in 2020. The article has discussed economic inequalities facing women in contemporary society. The author notes that sometimes, women were not allowed to use their credit cards without their husbands’ consent. Though the Equal Credit Opportunity Act abolished the law in 1974, women still experience economic inequalities. When it comes to money, men earn higher than women. The American Association of University Women estimates that women earn 82% of men’s earnings (Wong, 2020). The article also mentions that women have been discriminated against in almost all matters concerning money. For instance, women receive a lower pension and Social Security benefits than men due to their lifetime salary rate. Women pay fewer pensions and Social Security because they earn less than men. Lower wages affect women both in their working and retirement years. Overall, the article explains why women face economic inequality.

Applied Learning of News Article

One of the key concepts highlighted in WMST 200 is the laws affecting women. This concept has been largely highlighted in the article. One such law is the family leave policy. According to the US Department of Labor, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides a 12-week unpaid leave for mothers of newborns or the ones who have adopted children to care for their family responsibilities (Case & Newquist, 2019). Wong narrates that this policy has created a “motherhood penalty” that makes women miss about $16,000 yearly due to unpaid leave while their male counterparts work. Another law that has affected women and mentioned in the article is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. This law allowed women to use credit cards without their husbands’ consent.

Power, privilege, and inequality are other concepts in this course that have been highlighted in the article. The article notes that men are often privileged when they have children, while women are unlucky. Wong highlights that while women’s earnings decrease by 4% when they have children, men’s earnings increase by 6%. This privilege has created economic inequality between men and women. Furthermore, Wong reports that the starting salary for women is lower than that of men. Inequality has also been experienced using this pandemic in that a larger percentage of women lost their jobs than men. The last concept highlighted in the course, and the article is stereotypes. Wong argues that women are not required to negotiate because it is not their nature.


This article has reflected current scholarship in women’s studies by discussing issues that women face today. First, it has talked about stereotypes and how women are expected to behave. Second, it has talked about privilege and inequality and how it has affected women. Lastly, it has discussed certain laws that have affected women in the contemporary world.


The article has discussed some of the major concepts highlighted in the course. The concepts include economic inequality among gender, stereotypes about women, men’s privileges, and laws affecting women.


Case, J. J., & Newquist, J. (2019). Family Medical Leave Act: The Impacts on Family Relationships. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/shsrs/2019/poster/5/

Wong, K. (2020). Economic Inequalities. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/programs/womens-issues/day-3

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