[ANSWERED] Select the specific theoretical framework that you will use with your project (education, leadership or FNP). Describe how the theory that you chose aligns with your capstone project

Select the specific theoretical framework that you will use with your project (education, leadership or FNP). Describe how the theory that you chose aligns with your capstone project. Include the following information:

Describe the key features of the selected theoretical framework/model. What are its major components?

  • Identify specific research approaches appropriate for use with the theoretical model or framework and how it fits with your intended project.
    • Does the model lend itself to quantitative or qualitative methods or both?
    • What kind of quantitative/qualitative methods would be most appropriate? (Focus groups, interviews, pre/post-tests, record review, survey, etc.)
  • Describe how the theoretical framework might be used to evaluate the program/project and critique how well the model fits the program or project.
    • What aspects of the model works well and what aspects do not?
    • Why?


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: 2-3 pages  not including references
  • Citations: Scholarly reference(s) from within the last 5 years.
  • Format: APA 7th ed.
  • Use the title “Theoretical Model Framework.”

See USU NUR Writing Assignment Rubric for additional details and point weighting.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Role and Engagement of Stakeholders Summary

One of the key aspects that determine the success of an evidence-based project is stakeholder participation. Stakeholders play a critical role in the successful adoption of evidence in healthcare improvement initiatives. According to the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, stakeholders are persons or groups with a vested interest in an EBP project, decisions, or the evidence that supports a clinical decision or that collected in an EBP project (Cottrell et al., 2014). Some of the stakeholders listed in the same article include patients, clinicians, local and international healthcare organizations, and government agencies, to list a few.

Roles of Stakeholders

            Stakeholders play a critical role in ensuring the success of evidence-based initiatives. One of the roles stakeholders play is to provide funding for the EBP project (Wu et al., 2019). EBP projects, in most cases, require some funding to implement. The budget required ranges from one project to another. That is where stakeholders come in, especially in resource-intensive projects. Stakeholders also provide strategic direction for EBP projects. Stakeholders, for example, organization leaders look at a project from a long-term, strategic perspective in relation to how it will help the organization and the patients being served. In turn, they provide direction that aligns different aspects of the EBP project with the different objectives. This is also a critical role in ensuring that the project is relevant in the long term. Stakeholders also play a useful role in providing solutions to some of the challenges that the project faces (Wu et al., 2019). This includes challenges with project implementation, change resistance, and communication, to list a few. In addition, internal stakeholders also help with the implementation of the EBP project.

Stakeholders Involved in the EBP Project

            The capstone project involves decreasing the rates of COVID-19-related hospitalizations among patients aged 65 years and above through booster vaccinations. As such, to assist with the project, the following stakeholders will be involved. Patients and caregivers will be the primary stakeholders in the project given that they are directly affected by the outcomes. In this case, older adults aged 65 and above and their caregivers will be the main stakeholders in the initiative. The second stakeholders are clinicians, mainly those dealing with COVID-19 and related cases. They will play a critical role in collecting and interpreting the data and applying it to improve the health outcomes of the patients they serve. The third stakeholders are the facility’s leadership, who will facilitate the project by providing the required resources to implement the EB capstone project. The listed stakeholders so far are supportive of the project. Some of them are yet to be engaged, given the stage the project is currently in.

Stakeholders Who Will Be Interested in The Results

            Other than the directly impacted stakeholders, others will be interested in the results of the initiative, for example, the government. Vaccination drives have been mainly a government-led initiative through the different organs such as the CDC, Therefore, they will want to know whether the booster shots being administered have a long-term impact on the health outcomes of older adults aged 65 years and above. Another stakeholder who will be interested in the result is healthcare research institutions. COVID-19 is still a fairly new disease, with several studies being conducted to understand how the disease works and how it responds to various vaccines (Wu et al., 2020). Healthcare research institutions will be interested in any data that goes helps to understand how the virus works and its reaction to different vaccine protocols.

Promoting Stakeholder Participation

            Stakeholder engagement is a core element to project success. There are various ways to encourage their participation, the first being effective communication. For stakeholders to actively participate, there needs to be effective communication (Murphy et al., 2021). The project team needs to identify the key stakeholders early enough and share with them pertinent information about the project. Communication needs to be consistent throughout the project for stakeholders to feel part of it. It is also important to factor in stakeholder ideas in the project. Giving them a listening ear could improve their participation in the project. Most importantly, honesty and integrity need to be part of the core values of the project team when engaging with stakeholders.

Possible Concerns from Stakeholders

            Some of the concerns from the stakeholders include resource limitations. Another possible concern is competing stakeholder interests, where, at times, the stakeholders may opt to go for an alternative/competing project instead of the proposed EB project. Another concern is poor communication between the project team and the stakeholders (Murphy et al., 2021. Dealing with these concerns is critical in getting stakeholder support.

Strategies to Get Stakeholder Support

            Some of the strategies that will help to gain stakeholder support include involving them early in the project, communicating with them, and encouraging them to give their input in key decisions concerning the project (Murphy et al., 2021. Another strategy is to share with them the project budget and making the same budget to be as affordable as possible as a way to prevent conflicting interests.


            Gaining stakeholder support in an EB project is an important element for the success of the project. The project team needs to identify key stakeholders early enough and put measures to ensure that they actively participate in the project. Identifying key barriers to stakeholder engagement and the corresponding strategies to address these barriers is essential to getting the support of the stakeholders when implementing the EB project. 


Cottrell, E., Whitlock, E., Kato, E., Uhl, S., Belinson, S., Chang, C., Hoomans, T., Meltzer, D., Noorani, H., Robinson, K., Schoelles, K., Motu’apuaka, M., Anderson, J., Paynter, R., & Guise, J. M. (2014). Defining the Benefits of Stakeholder Engagement in Systematic Reviews. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US).

Murphy, J., Qureshi, O., Endale, T., Esponda, G. M., Pathare, S., Eaton, J., … & Ryan, G. (2021). Barriers and drivers to stakeholder engagement in global mental health projects. International Journal of Mental Health Systems15(1), 1-13.

Wu, J., Wang, Y., Tao, L., & Peng, J. (2019). Stakeholders in the healthcare service ecosystem. Procedia CIRP83, 375-379.

Wu, Y. C., Chen, C. S., & Chan, Y. J. (2020). The outbreak of COVID-19: An overview. Journal of the Chinese medical association83(3), 217.

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