[ANSWERED 2023] C229-Task 1 Social Media Campaign

C229-Task 1 Social Media Campaign

C229-Task 1 Social Media Campaign

Part 2: Social Media Campaign

B.  Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement based on a chosen health concern youve identified in the simulation, related to Health People 2020 topics.

1.  Explain how the health concern from the nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population.

a. Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently available in Sentinel Town to address the health concern.

b. Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern.

2.  Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic.

a. Identify data about the topic from within Sentinel Town.

C.  Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy for Sentinel Town that will convey your health message and address the chosen topic by doing the following:

1.  Describe your social media campaign objective.

2.  Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected topic.

3.  Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population in Sentinel Town.

a. Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare.

4.  Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message.

D.  Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing.

E.  Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following:

1.  Describe Sentinel Town stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan.

2.  Discuss potential public and private partnerships from Sentinel Town that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign.

3.  Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign.

4.  Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.

5.  Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign.

F.  Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations.

1.  Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice

G.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. APA format

H.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Expert Answer and Explanation

Sentinel Town Media Campaign

Community health nursing diagnosis statement

Drug and substance abuse is an issue that was witnessed after carrying out a community assessment of Sentinel Town. From the statistics provided, a substantial number of the residents living in Sentinel Town had engaged in at least one type of drug or substance with alcoh0ol and cigarette use being the common substances used. This was a worrying trend given the negative health implications brought by engaging in such vices.

Studies have shown that the use of drugs and substances exposes the user to risk of getting unintended injuries, getting unwanted infections like STIs, by engaging in risky sexual behaviors (Delker, Brown & Hasin, 2016). Drug and substance abuse is also linked to the increase in instances of domestic violence, and overall, poor psychological and physical health outcomes like lung and bronchus cancer in the case of cigarette smoking.

It is for this reason that the selected topic used for the community health intervention from the Healthy People 2020 list was the promotion of responsible alcohol consumption in improving the health outcomes for residents living in Sentinel Town.

Link of the health concern with health disparity

One of the notable issues about alcohol consumption and overall substance abuse in Sentinel Town was that it was more rampant in areas with the lowest income levels, specifically Industrial Heights. The statistics showed that people from low-income households had a higher number of alcohol abuse-related cases. It was also noted that people from the Hispanic and African American communities had the highest level of alcohol consumption as compared to other population groups. More men than women were also observed to be affected by the health issue.

Primary community resources

To address the health concern selected, various resources can be used to assist residents living in Sentinel Town. One of those resources is the Better Health clinic, which can assist residents in treatment and rehabilitation from alcohol addiction Another resource available for the residents is the numerous recreational facilities and public parks managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation.

These facilities will provide alternative and healthy approaches for residents to socialize instead of engaging in alcohol consumption. The Interfaith Church located in Industrial Heights can also be a good resource in providing social support for those looking to stop alcohol consumption. It can also be a good avenue for providing promotional messages against alcohol consumption.

Underlying causes of the health concern

One of the contributing factors could be attributed to the lack of adequate sensitization among the residents living in those areas, social issues, including coping habits of people living in Industrial height to list a few. Studies have also shown that people who are stressed tend to drink alcohol as a way of coping with stress, which could be another reason for the high levels of alcohol use (Becker, 2017).

People in Industrial Heights were seen to have high-stress levels as a result of socio-economic factors as compared to other regions. Therefore, conducting a targeted health promotion campaign, against the irresponsible consumption of alcohol could prove useful in assisting the improvement of health status for residents living in Industrial Heights.

Evidence-based Practice for the topic

According to Delker, Brown, and Hasin (2016), alcohol abuse is more in low-income populations as compared to middle and high-income population groups. Health promotion against alcohol use has been linked to reduced cases of adverse effects, both negative social and health outcomes (Harrison et al., 2016). Thus, the consideration of carrying out a health promotion initiative to deal with the negative outcomes linked with irresponsible alcohol consumption.       

From the collected data within Sentinel Town, it can be noted in areas where alcohol-related cases were minimal, the life expectancy of residents living in those regions was also higher, for example, Nightingale Square where their life expectancy was the highest.

Community health nursing social media campaign strategy for Sentinel Town

To assist in propagating the health promotion message of the selected health issue, a social media campaign will be formulated. The social media campaign will encompass various community partners within Sentinel Town, with the main aim being to reach as many social media users as possible and in turn, the community at large.

Social media campaign objective

The objective of the social media campaign will be linked to the health promotion topic which was to promote responsible alcohol consumption in improving the health outcomes for residents living in Sentinel Town. Therefore, the campaign’s objective will be to create awareness on the negative implications, social, economic and health implications, on engaging in irresponsible use of alcohol.

The purpose is to target as many social media users as possible and dissuading them using targeted messages from engaging in alcohol consumption.

Population-focused social marketing interventions

Social marketing is a strategy that promotes either a continuation or cessation of a particular behavior (Kubacki et al., 2017). For this particular campaign, the two social marketing interventions that are going to be used include the use of influencers and referrals (patient stories). Influencers are celebrities or people with large social clout, whose actions can influence their followers. The use of social media influencers has been considered an effective strategy in other health promotion activities (Coates et al., 2019)

Patient stories are another social marketing intervention used in health promotions. Many at times, users of social media platforms or other communication tools always want to relate with real-life experiences from people who have faced similar challenges. This is an effective strategy that promotes the authentitown of the health promotion message. Therefore, using this strategy, it is expected that people will be more responsive to the health promotion initiative in curbing the use and abuse of alcohol.

Choice of a social media platform

For this social media campaign, Facebook will be the selected platform to be used. Facebook is a global online-based social media platform that allows people to interact, share their experiences and exchange different forms of media. The platform is used by people from almost all age and cultural groups, with a user interface that is easy to navigate.

According to Gabarron et al. (2019), this platform is considered ideal given that it has a large user base making the target message reach out to as many Sentinel residents as possible. The interface is also user friendly and easy to navigate making it an ideal platform. The platform also provides the administrators with the ability to control the content being shared making it suitable for targeted health promotion messages.

How the target population will benefit from the health message

From the health promotion message relayed through the social media platform, it is expected that the target population will experience a reduction in the consumption of alcohol and negative cases related to alcohol consumption. It is expected that the residents of Sentinel Town will be able to embrace healthy living by curbing the irresponsible consumption of alcohol.

Best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing

 Implementing an effective social media campaign is not as simple as it seems, and one has to put in some efforts to ensure that the campaign is going to be impactful. One of the best practices is to have a clear and measurable objective of what the campaign aims to achieve. This will provide a clear focus where resources can be channeled towards achieving the impact expected (Campbell et al., 2016).

It is also a good practice to do research on the target audience before initiating the social media tool for health marketing. Different populations have different needs, including cultural differences, which can affect how the social media message is going to be structured.

Given that social media is an open platform where different audiences can interact with one another, the conversations in the social media platforms should also be properly moderated to ensure that it does not veer off from the main message. Campbell et al. (2016) reiterate that, for healthcare providers, it is important to always engage with social media users professionally to prevent a breach in the code of conduct.

C229-Task 1 Social Media Campaign

Social media campaign implementation plan

Sentinel Town stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan

Involving different stakeholders in the social media campaign is one of the key aspects that will ensure its success. The stakeholders normally have various roles and responsibilities to play in facilitating the implementation of the campaign. In this case, the Sentinel Town’s stakeholders have a primary responsibility to ensure that the campaign implemented is to the benefit of the residents living in Sentinel Town. They also have a role to ensure that the campaign sticks to its planned objectives and goals. They do so by monitoring its implementation.

The stakeholders also have a role to ensure that any pledged resources to be used in the campaign are fulfilled. The availability of resources is one of the factors needed to ensure the success of the social media campaign. Therefore, having access to such resources and in a timely manner is key.

Potential public and private partnerships from Sentinel Town in the social media campaign

As earlier indicated, stakeholder partnerships are a vital element in the success of health promotion campaigns. Some of the potential partnerships for this campaign include;

Partnership with Better Health Clinic; Better Health Clinic is one of the partners who can play an instrumental role in ensuring that health-related information and help is availed to interested parties living within Sentinel Town and engaging in the social medial platform. Better Health clinic can also play an important role in availing statistics on alcohol consumption

Partnership with the Interfaith Church: Interfaith Church in Industrial Heights is another potential partner given the position they have in shaping the opinions of its’ congregants. The church will be a good platform to popularize the campaign and inform the congregants what it is all about.

The Mayor’s office, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Health can also be equally good partners. Through their support in terms of providing resources and facilitating the campaign activities including sensitizing the public, the campaign will become more impactful. Radio Buzz, the official radio station in Sentinel Town can also be a good partner in creating public awareness about the health campaign.

Timeline for campaign implementation

The campaign will involve various activities that will be implemented on a given timeline. Some of the activities that are going to be carried out include the planning phase, including the identification of partners and resources, the implementation phase, monitoring, and evaluation, and finally, follow up and reporting. The timeline to be followed is as structured in the table below.

Activity Timeline
Planning phase 3 months
Implementation 6 months
Monitoring Continuous throughout the project lifecycle
Evaluation Every 3 months after beginning the campaign
Follow up and reporting 12 months (to be carried out after the deadline of the implementation period
Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign

Evaluation is an important segment in the processes involved in creating the social media campaign. This will allow to assess the effectiveness and efficiency through which the campaign is meeting the set goals and objectives. One of the ways through which the initiative will be evaluated is by comparing the statistics provided by different institutions like Better Health Clinic, before and after the initiative to assess whether there are any changes in alcohol consumption in Sentinel Town. Another method by assessing the feedback from the residents on their opinion of the initiative, before, during and after it is implemented.

Costs of implementing your campaign

The initiative will also have some budgetary aspects attached to it for its successful implementation.  One of the linked costs is the advertising cost on the social media platform. Advertising allows the initiative to gain track in accumulating a large audience base within a short period, therefore, it was considered a strategic expense in facilitating the effectiveness of the campaign.

Another linked cost is the cost used to hire a social media campaign strategist/manager who will be in charge of maintaining and moderating the content on the social media page.

Use of social media in health promotion

Social media can be an effective tool in assisting community health providers to carry out effective health promotion campaigns. It provides an effective and efficient avenue where the health care provider reaches out to a large target audience with minimal effort and cost (Gabarron et al., 2019).

Social media also provides a community nurse with a platform where they can engage with a specific target audience and in a lively manner that can also help establish healthy relationships with the population. Using social media, one can leverage on the success stories to ignite positive health impact on the community. There are several other ways through which social media can be helpful in supporting health promotion initiatives making it an ideal tool to use.

Application of social media in my future nursing practice

In my future nursing endeavors, I plan to use social media to continue advocating for positive changes in community health practices. I plan to use social media as a platform where I can interact with my fellow nursing professionals, as a result, improving my nursing insights. Social media also provides a good avenue where I can collect different opinions from the online community on how they view different matters concerning health and healthcare. Ultimately, is still intend to use social media as a strategic health promotion tool


Becker, H. C. (2017). Influence of stress associated with chronic alcohol exposure on drinking. Neuropharmacology122, 115-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.04.028

Campbell, L., Evans, Y., Pumper, M., & Moreno, M. A. (2016). Social media use by physicians: a qualitative study of the new frontier of medicine. BMC medical informatics and decision making16(1), 91. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-016-0327-y

Coates, A. E., Hardman, C. A., Halford, J. C., Christiansen, P., & Boyland, E. J. (2019). Social media influencer marketing and children’s food intake: a randomized trial. Pediatrics143(4), e20182554. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2018-2554

Delker, E., Brown, Q., & Hasin, D. S. (2016). Alcohol consumption in demographic subpopulations: an epidemiologic overview. Alcohol research: current reviews38(1), 7.

Gabarron, E., Luque, L. F., Schopf, T. R., Lau, A. Y., Armayones, M., Wynn, R., & Serrano, J. A. (2019). Impact of Facebook ads for sexual health promotion via an educational web app: a case study. In Healthcare Policy and Reform: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 990-1003). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6915-2.ch045

Harrison, C., Charles, J., Miller, G. C., & Britt, H. (2016). Chronic alcohol abuse. Australian family physician45(12), 858.

Kubacki, K., Ronto, R., Lahtinen, V., Pang, B. and Rundle-Thiele, S. (2017), Social marketing interventions aiming to increase physical activity among adults: A systematic review, Health Education, Vol. 117 No. 1, pp. 69-89. https://doi.org/10.1108/HE-02-2016-0008

Alternative Expert Answer and Explanation

Social Media Campaign

 (B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement 

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis: Increased risk of obesity among adult population in Palm Beach, Florida related to poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle due to lack of education about the consequences of high BMI as demonstrated by the high rate of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders among the adult population. 

(B1) Health Inequity/Disparity 

Various disparities were observed in the community about obesity. One of the disparities was race. Data from the Florida State Department of Health (FSDH) (2018) shows that the prevalence of obesity is higher in African American population than their white counterparts. The data shows that 36.2 of the blacks in the county are obese compared to 32.4% of the whites (FSDH, 2018). Hence, data concludes that African Americans in the county are more likely to be obese than whites.

The second health inequality or disparity factor is gender. The data from the county’s health department shows that women were more likely to be obese compared to their male counterparts. Data shows that 36.9 of women are obese compared to 33.2% of men (FSDH, 2018). The third factor is income. Obesity is higher among adults with low income than the ones with high-income status.

Adults with high-income status can afford healthy foods and other resources that can help them battle obesity (FSDH, 2018). However, the low-income limits other adults from accessing healthy meals, hence putting them at risk of obesity. Statistics show that the rate of obesity was higher in adults earning a medical income of $24,999 and below per year (FSDH, 2018).

Another factor is education. Statistics show that incidences of obesity are higher in people with a low level of education compared to individuals who have attained higher education (FSDH, 2018). The rate of obesity in adults with less than high school education level was higher compared to persons who had attended high school or higher education level.

Samara et al. (2019) support this health disparity by noting that health education can improve people’s knowledge when making decisions regarding their health. The last factor is age. Statistics show that the prevalence of obesity in Palm Beach County is high in the adult population than younger population (FSDH, 2018). Adults have a more sedentary life compared to younger individuals, increasing the rate of obesity in this population.

(B1a) Primary community and prevention resources. Palm Beach County has many resources that can be used to fight the health problem. One of the resources is Palm Beach County Health Department. The department can provide funding for any program aimed at reducing the rate of obesity in the county.

The Florida State Department of Health can coordinate with the county health department in its mission to reduce the incidences of obesity within the state. The second resource is Palm Beach County Medical Center. This resource can provide education to obese patients visiting it for one reason or another. The facility has qualified healthcare professionals who can educate the target population.

The county also has various social services organizations which can collaborate with the community nurses to implement various plans to ensure that obesity is eradicated among adults.

One of the social services organizations in the county is Palm Beach County Wic. The county also hosts various parks and camping sites that can be used as physical activity locations by the community population. Some of the parks and camping sites include Fub Deport, Phipps Ocean Park, Bradley Park, Currie Park, R. G. Kreusler Park, Palm Beach Center, Post Park, Summa Beach Park, Jose Marti Park, and many more.

Apart from the parks, the county has elementary schools and a college where education about obesity and other health issues can occur. Lastly, the county has various gyms that can offer physical activity services.

(B1b) Underlying causes of health concern. Obesity in Palm Beach County is caused by many factors. One of the factors is low family educational attainment. Most of the families in the county have not attained university degrees or higher. Statistics show that only 14% of the population in the county has higher education certificates.

Lack of education prevents residents in the county from making healthy choices regarding their metabolic health. A significant number of people in the county have not gone to school at all. The second cause is a high rate of poverty, especially among African American population. Jones et al. (2020) note that people in low with the low economic status risk being obese because they do not have the financial resources to buy healthy foods. Statistics by Mississippi’s department of health notes that individuals earning less than $15000 annually are more likely to be obese (FSDH, 2018).

Poverty has also prevented a significant number of residents in the county from engaging in physical activity programs. Lastly, the demography of the county is also a cause of obesity. The county is in a rural area, disadvantaging it from receiving resources it can use to combat obesity. The county lacks a strong medical health system due to its demographic state as a rural community.

 (B2) Evidence-based Practice for the Topic

Studies have been done about obesity and how to reduce the incidences of this health problem in a community setup. One of the interventions that have been successful in reducing incidences of obesity in a community setup is the Shape Up Somerville. This intervention is an impact campaign to reduce obesity and improve health implemented by Somerville City, Massachusetts.

McGlashan et al. (2018) presented quantitative findings showing the positive effect of the Shape Up Somerville intervention on obesity. The authors report that the people obese individuals involved in the intervention experienced weight loss and overall wellbeing. The authors note that the intervention was successful because included stakeholders, such as local leaders, food services, schools, academia, and community organizations.

The second intervention is known as Romp & Chomp. This intervention was implemented between 2004-2008 in a large regional city (Geelong), Australia (Owen et al., 2018). Romp & Chomp was successful in reducing the rate of obesity among children in the city.

Participants who took part in the intervention reported lower BMI, mean weight, and BMI z-score (Owen et al., 2018). The intervention also led to a lower prevalence of obesity among children. Gómez Puente and Martínez-Marcos (2018) conducted a study to identify more effective interventions to reduce the incidences of obesity.

The authors concluded that a combination of exercise, personalized diet, and cognitive behavior therapy is the best and most effective intervention to reduce incidences of obesity and overweight. The authors also found that the intervention will be more cost-effective if implemented online. Another intervention is behavioral counseling and education.

A study by Spring et al. (2017) found that behavioral counseling can promote meaningful weight loss whether it did physically or through technology-based mediums. However, the U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force (n.d) reports that technological supported counseling or education is more effective and needs fewer resources to implement.

(B2a) Identification of data. Obesity is a health problem in the entire US states and territories. The CDC (2021) reports that the prevalence of obesity was 42.4% between 2017-2018. The agency notes that obesity has greatly impacted healthcare spending in the US. It reports that in 2008, the yearly medical cost for obesity was $147 billion.

The CDC (2021) also reports that obesity is more prevalent in African Americans than other races in the US. In terms of age, the rate of obesity is high in adults aged 40-59 years. The CDC (2021) also notes that obesity is high in people with low education and income level than those with high-income levels and education. In terms of states, all the states and territories in the US have more than 20% of adults with obesity.

The CDC (2021) ranks Mississippi among the states with a high rate of obesity. The agency reports that Mississippi has more than 35% of adults with obesity. The statistics by the CDC show that obesity is truly a health problem in the US and specifically Mississippi.

 (C1) The Social Media Campaign Objective

The objective of this social media campaign is to reduce the incidences of obesity among the adult population in Palm Beach County by 10% within six months of implementation.

 (C2) Social Marketing Interventions

Many social media marketing tools can be used to reduce incidences of obesity among adults in Palm Beach County. One of the interventions that will be used in this social media marketing campaign is creating content about obesity, its consequences, and how it can be prevented or solved and posting it on social media platforms.

The CDC has provided a framework that can be followed when developing posts for various social media platforms. For instance, the agency advises that Facebook posts should not be more than 450 characters. The second intervention is using social media influencers to educate their followers about obesity, its consequences, and how it can be prevented or solved.

Social media influencers are critical to the flow of information in the social media world. They are more effective because their messages are often trusted by people following them. Social media influencers have built brands already and thus it is vital to use their platforms to run the campaign.

(C3) Description of Social Media Platform 

Many social media platforms have been availed to marketers due to technological advancements. Some of the platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. However, for this social media marketing campaign, Facebook will be used as a social media platform. This platform has been selected due to many reasons.

The first and main reason for selecting Facebook as the primary platform for this campaign is because it is the most visited platform. As of 2020, the platform reported that it had more than 2.8 billion monthly active users (Facebook, 2021). Therefore, this makes Facebook the highest number of active monthly users than any other social media platform. This campaign has a high probability of reaching many people through Facebook. Another reason for selecting the platform is its features.

Facebook has many features that can allow users to write stories and share pictures and videos. The last reason for selecting this platform is that most of the target population uses Facebook. Apart from Facebook, Twitter will be used for this campaign. Twitter has been selected because it follows Facebook in terms of active monthly users. The organization reports that it has more than 200 million daily active users. The platform has also been selected because it allows sharing of messages and videos.

(C3a) Benefits of Social Media Platform 

The two social media platforms will be so beneficial. The two platforms will support the campaign by connecting the community nurses to the target population. The platforms will also allow the campaign team to post videos and messages discussing obesity, its consequences, and how it can be prevented or solved. The platforms also provide features that can allow the team to monitor how the target population is interacting with the posted videos and messages. The platforms are beneficial because they allow people to share messages with their friends and families. Thus, the campaign can reach a large population within a short period.

(C4) Benefit to Target Population

The social media campaign will highly benefit the target population. One of the ways the target population will benefit from the campaign is by improving their knowledge on obesity and how it can negatively impact their lives. The target population will be influenced by the negative impacts of obesity on their health to adopt healthy behaviors and lifestyles to avoid being victims of the disease.

The target population will also benefit from the campaign by gaining knowledge of the things they can do to reduce their weight or prevent obesity. One of the issues that will be addressed in the campaign is activities to promote healthy weight. Lastly, the target population will benefit from the campaign in that they will be able to share the messages with their loved ones.

(D) Best Practices for Social Media

The CDC has highlighted the best practices that can be applied when implementing the social media campaign to ensure that the messages reach the intended audience. The agency notes that texts posted on Facebook because be 250 characters or less to allow the post to be completely read. Longer posts can discourage the viewers from reading the posts.

In terms of content, the posts should be action-oriented and have consumer-friendly messaging. The posts should be compelling and interesting. They must be followed by a link to a web page, captioned the video, or a photo. The tone of the messaging should also be consumer-friendly. The project manager should encourage people to tag the message to reach as many people as possible. For Twitter, messages should be 140 characters or less and the use of hashtags is highly encouraged.

 (E1) Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

Stakeholders will play various roles in this campaign. The first stakeholder is Palm Beach County Health Department. The role of this stakeholder is to provide financial and human resources for the campaign. Social media influencers are also stakeholders in the campaign. Their role is to communicate the campaign messages to their followers. Community health nurses are also stakeholders.

Their role is to design the campaign and ensure that the messaging meets its objective. Lastly, experts in social media marketing will also be stakeholders. Their role is to ensure that the campaign reaches the intended audience.

 (E2) Potential public and private partnerships 

The first partner will be Palm Beach County Health Department. One of the goals of the department is to reduce incidences of obesity in the county and thus it will partner with the campaign to achieve its goals. This partner will aid the campaign by providing the campaign team with human and financial resources needed for implementation of the campaign.

Palm Beach County Medical Center will also partner with the campaign to ensure it is successful. The partner will also provide finances and other resources needed for implementation of the campaign. The campaign will also partner with private partners owning parks, gyms, and camping sites to provide the target population with the resources they need to implement the messages from the campaign.

In other words, these partners will provide spaces and tools for physical exercise. Other partners include the Palm Beach County School District and Palm Beach–Lincoln Community College. These two partners will aid the campaign by posting the campaign message on their social media platform.

 (E3) Timeline
Activity Timeline
Planning the campaign Week 1
Seeking funds for the project Week 2-3
Implementation process:

1.     Developing and posting messages.

2.     Tagging influential people

3.     Following people

4.     Sharing the posts’ links on other social media platforms

Week 4-5
Monitoring and control Continuous
Evaluation After a week and 12 months since implementation.
Total period Five weeks
(E4) Evaluation of the Campaign

The campaign will be evaluated in two phases. The first phase will occur a week after implementation. Facebook and Twitter analytics tools will be used to evaluate the rate at which the target population interacted with campaign messages. The tools will also measure how the target population responded to the messages.

The second phase will occur 12 months after the plan was implemented. This phase will be done using document analysis where statistics of incidences of obesity will be compared before and after the plan was implemented. Document analysis is a method where systematic approach is used to analyze data in document form. The department of health of Palm Beach, Florida has data about the community’s obesity rate.

The rate of obesity documented 12 months after the campaign will be evaluated and compared to those documented before the campaign.

 (E5) Costs of Implementing the Campaign

This campaign will take a month, and thus it is estimated to cost $47,500. Planning will cost $2500. Implementation will cost $43,000 and evaluation will cost $2000. The money will be used to pay the campaign team including graphic designers, video editors, content creators, social media influencers, and the two individuals who will be posting the messages and replying to tests.

 (F) Use of Social Media in Health Promotion

Community health nurses can embrace the use of social media in improving the health of communities. One of the ways community health nurses can improve the health of community populations is by educating them on various health issues. Social media has proven to be an effective platform for nurses can create content about various health issues and share it with hundreds of people following them.

Nurses can also use social media marketing as an advocacy tool. Through social media, nurses can lobby state and federal governments to pass certain laws that will positively impact the health of communities. Examples of social media campaigns about community health include #loveyourcervix by Public Health Wales, #WorldAidsDay, and many more.

 (F1) Application in Future Nursing Practice

In my future practice, I can apply social media campaigns to create awareness about many health problems. For instance, I can create a campaign to fight malnutrition in children by creating a hashtag #foodforchildren. I Can also create awareness about obesity by creating a hashtag that says #notoobesity.


CDC. (2021). Adult obesity facts: Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Facebook Guidelines and Best Practices. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/socialmedia/tools/guidelines/facebook-guidelines.html

Facebook. (2021). Facebook reports first quarter 2021 results. https://investor.fb.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2021/Facebook-Reports-First-Quarter-2021-Results/default.aspx

Gómez Puente, J. M., & Martínez-Marcos, M. (2018). Overweight and obesity: Effectiveness of interventions in adults. Sobrepeso y obesidad: eficacia de las intervenciones en adultos. Enfermeria clinica (English Edition), 28(1), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2017.06.005

Jones, A., Mamudu, H. M., & Squires, G. D. (2020). Mortgage possessions, spatial inequality, and obesity in large US metropolitan areas. Public Health, 181, 86-93. https://pridecc.wustl.edu/files/4615/8015/6040/Jones_Mamudu_Squires_forthcoming.pdf

McGlashan, J., Nichols, M., Korn, A., Millar, L., Marks, J., Sanigorski, A., … & Economos, C. (2018). Social network analysis of stakeholder networks from two community-based obesity prevention interventions. PLoS One, 13(4), e0196211. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196211

Florida State Department of Health. (2018). Unhealthy weight in PBC. http://www.5210letsgo.com/obesity-in-pbc.html

Owen, B., Brown, A. D., Kuhlberg, J., Millar, L., Nichols, M., Economos, C., & Allender, S. (2018). Understanding a successful obesity prevention initiative in children under 5 from a systems perspective. PloS One, 13(3), e0195141. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195141

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U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force. (n.d). Obesity prevention and control: Technology-supported multicomponent coaching or counseling interventions to reduce weight. https://www.thecommunityguide.org/sites/default/files/assets/Obesity-Multicomponent-Coaching-or-Counseling-Interventions-to-Reduce-Weight.pdf

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Introduction: Good introduction to assisted dying, especially in relation to laws within Australia. Introduction was a little too long.
Aim or Purpose: Good purpose but improved grammar needed. Good use of PICO.
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