[ANSWERED 2023] With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees many health care organizations are implementing technology

With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees many health care organizations are implementing technology

With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees many health care organizations are implementing technology


With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees, many health care organizations are implementing technology such as self-help kiosks to reduce staffing. Describe both an advantage and a disadvantage to this practice and discuss how patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing.


Research the role of an administrator versus that of a nonmanagement staff member in dealing with a workers’ compensation incident in a typical health care organization. What are the minimal responsibilities and reporting duties for each? What recommendations would you suggest for improving organizational compliance with regulatory requirements at the staff level? Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference.

ANSWER: Topic 2 DQ 1

Implementation of Technology to Reduce Employees

Among the most recent developments in healthcare is the introduction of self-service technologies, which entail the presence of different tools that aid in providing support to the patients with reduced involvement of employees. These technologies have numerous advantages, including the fact that they help in reducing the overall wait times of the customers, hence help in achieving customer satisfaction.

In traditional scenarios, nurses could spend many hours attending to only a few customers, but the self-serving technologies allow customers to interact with the system in a timely fashion (Bala & Venkatesh, 2017). Other associated benefits are high quality of care as the technologies are not subject to burnout, and hence the quality of service remains the same regardless of the number of customers they serve.

A major disadvantage of customer service technologies in healthcare facilities is that it reduces the emotion in healthcare, which is often an essential component of recovery. By assessing the symptoms of patients and interviewing them face to face, nurses can help to assess all the factors that need to be changed in order to restore the patient’s health (Chuang & Graham, 2018). With the self-serving technologies, however, patients have limited access to the personal connections with their healthcare givers, and hence bring about problems in recovery.

Patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing as inhumane acts by the management, associating such a move with ingratitude for the work they have done (Chuang & Graham, 2018). In most of the cases, reducing dedicated staff to replace them with machines appears as a form of de-humanization, where the staff members are compared to equipment, only that they are less productive equipment.


Bala, H., & Venkatesh, V. (2017). Employees’ reactions to IT-enabled process innovations in the age of data analytics in healthcare. Business Process Management Journal.

Chuang, S., & Graham, C. M. (2018). Embracing the sobering reality of technological influences on jobs, employment and human resource development. European Journal of Training and Development.

ANSWER: Topic 2 DQ 2

Administrators and Nonmanagement staff members in Workers Compensation

Minimal Responsibilities and Reporting Duties for Each

Administrators in healthcare facilities play a crucial role of overseeing the day to day administrative functions, and hence are called health service managers. Besides planning various health services, health administrators are involved in the management of staff budgets to ensure the healthcare system becomes self-sustaining. By monitoring the budget, the health administrators can assess the suitability of different positions for employees and also recommend to senior management about the recruitment options where there is a deficiency of staff members.

In cases where there is a surplus of staff members compared to the available resources, health administrators can give reports that are geared to reduce the overall staff. Nonmanagement staff, on the other hand, have little influence on staff compensation as they are less powered to make decisions. However, people in different specialties can recommend for an increase in staff compensation of the units in response to increasing staff demands.

Recommendations for Improving Organizational Compliance with Regulatory Requirements at Staff Level

Compliance among staff members is one of the factors that influence overall staff wellness in organizations (Van Erp, Wallenburg, & Bal, 2020). To enhance compliance, there is need to have platforms in which staff members can air their grievances about some of the issues that affect them at the workplace (Van Erp, Wallenburg, & Bal, 2020). Regular education about the issues that can help to bring about compliance could also help to positively impact the wellness of the workplace.


Godoy, J. D. (2019). The Implementation of the Research Business Administrator at a Large Healthcare Organization: A Programmatic Evaluation of the Department of Research and Evaluation Units.

Van Erp, J., Wallenburg, I., & Bal, R. (2020). Performance regulation in a networked healthcare system: From cosmetic to institutionalized compliance. Public Administration98(1), 46-61.

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Self-Help Kiosks to Reduce Staffing in Healthcare


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, advancements in technology have opened up new possibilities for improving patient care and operational efficiency. One such innovation is the implementation of self-help kiosks in healthcare facilities. These interactive systems allow patients to independently perform tasks that traditionally required human assistance, thereby reducing staffing needs and enhancing the overall patient experience. In this article, we will explore the concept of self-help kiosks in healthcare, their benefits, and how they contribute to reducing staffing requirements.

Understanding Self-Help Kiosks

Self-help kiosks are interactive computer-based terminals equipped with user-friendly interfaces designed to assist individuals with various tasks. In the context of healthcare, these kiosks provide patients with access to a range of services and information, empowering them to take an active role in managing their health.

Benefits for the Healthcare Industry

The implementation of self-help kiosks offers several benefits to the healthcare industry. Firstly, it allows healthcare providers to optimize their resources by reducing the need for additional staff members. Instead of relying solely on human personnel for routine administrative tasks, such as check-in, scheduling appointments, and updating personal information, patients can use self-help kiosks, freeing up staff to focus on more critical responsibilities.

How Self-Help Kiosks Reduce Staffing

Streamlining Administrative Tasks

Self-help kiosks streamline administrative processes by enabling patients to complete tasks independently. From checking in for appointments to updating personal details, these kiosks simplify routine administrative procedures, reducing the need for dedicated staff members to oversee such activities. This not only minimizes staffing requirements but also enhances efficiency by eliminating manual paperwork and reducing errors.

Empowering Patients

Self-help kiosks empower patients by putting them in control of their healthcare journey. Patients can access their medical records, review test results, and learn about various treatment options through the kiosks. This not only encourages active engagement but also reduces the burden on healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on more complex medical tasks.

Optimizing Workflow Efficiency

By automating certain processes, self-help kiosks optimize workflow efficiency within healthcare facilities. With reduced administrative burdens, staff members can allocate more time to patient care, leading to improved outcomes. Additionally, self-help kiosks can integrate with existing systems, enabling seamless information flow and ensuring accurate and up-to-date patient data.

Enhancing Patient Experience

Convenient Access to Information

Self-help kiosks provide patients with convenient access to vital information. From educational resources on various health conditions to medication guidelines and lifestyle recommendations, patients can access valuable content at their convenience. This empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

Self-Check-In and Appointment Scheduling

Gone are the days of waiting in long queues for check-in and appointment scheduling. Self-help kiosks allow patients to easily check themselves in upon arrival, reducing waiting times and improving the overall patient experience. Moreover, patients can schedule appointments, view available time slots, and receive reminders, all through the intuitive interface of the kiosk.

Personalized Health Education

Self-help kiosks enable healthcare providers to deliver personalized health education to patients. These kiosks can display targeted information based on a patient’s medical history, providing tailored advice and resources for managing their specific conditions. By promoting health literacy, self-help kiosks empower patients to take proactive measures towards their well-being.

Challenges and Considerations

Technological Limitations

While self-help kiosks offer numerous advantages, they are not without challenges. Technological limitations can hinder the seamless operation of these systems. Factors like connectivity issues, software glitches, and hardware malfunctions can impact the user experience. Therefore, it is crucial for healthcare organizations to invest in robust technology infrastructure and proactive maintenance to ensure optimal kiosk performance.

Ensuring Data Security and Privacy

With the increased use of self-help kiosks, protecting patient data becomes paramount. Healthcare organizations must implement stringent security measures to safeguard sensitive information stored within these systems. Measures such as data encryption, secure authentication protocols, and regular vulnerability assessments help mitigate the risk of data breaches and ensure patient privacy.

Addressing Accessibility Needs

Accessibility is a critical consideration when implementing self-help kiosks. Healthcare facilities must ensure that the kiosk interface accommodates individuals with disabilities, including visual impairments and mobility challenges. Incorporating features like text-to-speech capabilities, adjustable screen heights, and wheelchair-friendly designs fosters inclusivity and ensures equal access to healthcare services.

Successful Implementation Strategies

Staff Training and Support

To maximize the benefits of self-help kiosks, healthcare organizations should provide comprehensive training to staff members. This training should encompass operating the kiosks, troubleshooting common issues, and effectively engaging patients to utilize the kiosk services. Additionally, ongoing support and feedback mechanisms ensure staff members are equipped to assist patients in navigating the kiosk system.

User-Friendly Interface Design

A user-friendly interface is crucial for the successful adoption of self-help kiosks. The interface should be intuitive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Clear instructions, minimal input requirements, and visually distinct buttons enhance the overall user experience. By prioritizing user-centered design principles, healthcare organizations can encourage patients to embrace self-help kiosks confidently.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback

To continually enhance the functionality and usability of self-help kiosks, healthcare organizations should gather feedback from patients and staff. Regular assessments and user surveys help identify areas for improvement and address any emerging concerns. By iterating and refining the kiosk system based on real-world usage and user feedback, healthcare facilities can optimize the benefits and outcomes associated with these self-help solutions.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

The successful implementation of self-help kiosks in healthcare can be observed in numerous real-world examples. For instance, ABC Hospital witnessed a significant reduction in administrative staffing needs after implementing self-help kiosks for check-in and appointment scheduling. Similarly, XYZ Clinic reported improved patient satisfaction and streamlined processes by incorporating self-help kiosks for patient education and feedback collection.

Future Implications and Potential Developments

The future of self-help kiosks in healthcare holds immense potential. As technology continues to advance, these kiosks can be further integrated with electronic health records, telemedicine services, and artificial intelligence capabilities. This integration would enable more comprehensive and personalized patient care, ultimately transforming the healthcare landscape.


Self-help kiosks have emerged as a valuable tool for reducing staffing requirements in the healthcare industry. By streamlining administrative tasks, empowering patients, optimizing workflow efficiency, and enhancing the patient experience, these kiosks contribute to improved operational efficiency and better patient outcomes. However, healthcare organizations must navigate challenges such as technological limitations, data security concerns, and accessibility requirements to successfully implement and leverage the benefits of self-help kiosks.


  1. Are self-help kiosks difficult to use? Self-help kiosks are designed with user-friendliness in mind. They feature intuitive interfaces and clear instructions to ensure ease of use for patients.
  2. Can self-help kiosks replace human interaction in healthcare? Self-help kiosks complement human interaction rather than replacing it. They automate routine tasks, allowing healthcare staff to focus on more critical patient care responsibilities.
  3. Is patient data secure on self-help kiosks? Healthcare organizations implement stringent security measures to protect patient data on self-help kiosks. Encryption, authentication protocols, and regular vulnerability assessments are employed to ensure data security.
  4. Do self-help kiosks improve patient satisfaction? Yes, self-help kiosks have been shown to enhance patient satisfaction by reducing waiting times, providing convenient access to information, and empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare.
  5. What are the potential cost savings associated with self-help kiosks? By reducing staffing requirements and optimizing workflow efficiency, self-help kiosks can lead to cost savings for healthcare organizations. However, the extent of savings may vary based on the specific implementation and organizational context.

The Role of Health Care Providers in Long-Term and Complicated Workers Compensation Claims


In the realm of workers’ compensation claims, certain cases can be complex, requiring specialized attention and long-term care. Health care providers play a pivotal role in these situations, ensuring injured workers receive the necessary medical treatment, rehabilitation, and support. This article explores the critical role of health care providers in long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims and highlights the various challenges they face.

Understanding Workers Compensation Claims

Before delving into the role of health care providers, it is essential to understand the basics of workers’ compensation claims. When employees sustain work-related injuries or illnesses, workers’ compensation provides them with medical benefits, wage replacement, and rehabilitation services. However, some claims are more intricate due to the severity of the injury, multiple affected body parts, pre-existing conditions, or disagreements between parties involved.

Challenges in Long-Term and Complicated Workers Compensation Claims

Long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims pose unique challenges for all stakeholders involved, including health care providers. These challenges can include prolonged treatment plans, uncertainty about recovery timelines, managing chronic pain, mental health considerations, coordination of care, legal complexities, and return-to-work programs. Health care providers must navigate these challenges while ensuring the best possible outcomes for the injured workers.

The Importance of Health Care Providers

Health care providers play a vital role in long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims. Their expertise and knowledge help diagnose and treat work-related injuries effectively. By conducting thorough assessments, health care providers identify the extent of the injuries and formulate appropriate treatment plans tailored to the individual’s needs. They also monitor progress, adjust treatment approaches when necessary, and provide ongoing support throughout the recovery process.

Early Intervention and Diagnosis

One key aspect of effective health care in workers’ compensation claims is early intervention and diagnosis. By promptly identifying and treating work-related injuries, health care providers can minimize the impact and potential complications. Early intervention reduces the likelihood of long-term disabilities, supports timely recovery, and fosters a more positive prognosis for the injured worker.

Treatment Planning and Rehabilitation

Health care providers collaborate with injured workers to develop comprehensive treatment plans that address their specific needs. These plans may involve a combination of medical treatments, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and vocational rehabilitation. The goal is to optimize recovery, restore functionality, and facilitate a safe return to work.

Managing Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common issue in long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims. Health care providers employ various strategies to manage pain effectively, such as medication, physical therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and alternative therapies. By providing comprehensive pain management, health care providers improve the quality of life for injured workers and help them regain functionality.

Mental Health Support

In addition to physical injuries, workers involved in long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims may experience psychological distress. Health care providers recognize the importance of addressing mental health concerns alongside physical ailments. They offer counseling, therapy, and referrals to mental health professionals when necessary, ensuring holistic care for injured workers.

Coordinating Care and Collaboration

The success of workers’ compensation claims relies on effective coordination and collaboration among various health care providers and stakeholders. Health care providers work closely with case managers, employers, insurance carriers, and legal professionals to ensure seamless care delivery and facilitate a smooth claims process. Through open communication and collaboration, they optimize outcomes and streamline the injured worker’s journey towards recovery.

The Role of Case Managers

Case managers play a crucial role in long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims. They act as advocates for injured workers, coordinating and managing their care across different providers and specialties. Case managers ensure treatment adherence, monitor progress, address concerns, and support injured workers throughout their recovery journey.

Advocacy for Injured Workers

Health care providers serve as advocates for injured workers in workers’ compensation claims. They help patients navigate the complex legal and administrative processes, ensuring their rights are protected and their treatment needs are met. Health care providers are well-versed in the intricacies of the workers’ compensation system and can provide expert opinions and documentation when necessary.

Assessing Impairment and Disability

Health care providers also play a vital role in assessing impairment and disability resulting from work-related injuries. Through comprehensive evaluations, they determine the extent of physical limitations, functional impairments, and work restrictions. These assessments contribute to fair compensation and the development of appropriate return-to-work plans.

Legal Considerations

Long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims often involve legal considerations. Health care providers must stay informed about relevant laws, regulations, and reporting requirements to ensure compliance. They may be required to provide accurate medical documentation, expert testimony, or collaborate with legal professionals to support injured workers’ claims.

Return-to-Work Programs

Facilitating a safe and successful return to work is a crucial aspect of long-term workers’ compensation claims. Health care providers collaborate with employers, vocational rehabilitation specialists, and case managers to develop return-to-work programs. These programs focus on accommodating the injured worker’s abilities and gradually reintegrating them into the workforce.


In long-term and complicated workers’ compensation claims, health care providers assume a multifaceted role. They provide essential medical treatment, rehabilitation, and support services while navigating various challenges. By emphasizing early intervention, comprehensive treatment planning, pain management, mental health support, and collaboration, health care providers contribute to the successful recovery and well-being of injured workers.


  1. Are health care providers the only stakeholders involved in workers’ compensation claims?
    • No, workers’ compensation claims involve various stakeholders, including employers, insurance carriers, case managers, and legal professionals.
  2. What are some common challenges faced by health care providers in long-term workers’ compensation claims?
    • Health care providers often encounter challenges such as managing chronic pain, coordinating care among multiple providers, and addressing legal complexities.
  3. How do health care providers support injured workers’ mental health in workers’ compensation claims?
    • Health care providers offer counseling, therapy, and referrals to mental health professionals to address psychological distress resulting from work-related injuries.
  4. What is the role of case managers in long-term workers’ compensation claims?
    • Case managers act as advocates for injured workers, coordinating and managing their care across different providers, specialties, and stakeholders.
  5. How do health care providers contribute to return-to-work programs in workers’ compensation claims?
    • Health care providers collaborate with employers, vocational rehabilitation specialists, and case managers to develop return-to-work programs that accommodate the injured worker’s abilities and facilitate a safe return to work.

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