[ANSWERED 2023] During your final video-teleconference you will be on camera, show proof of identification (photo ID), then verbally explain how your Project

During your final video-teleconference you will be on camera, show proof of identification (photo ID), then verbally explain how your Project
During your final video-teleconference you will be on camera, show proof of identification (photo ID), then verbally explain how your Project was developed and describe how your Project accomplishes and incorporates all of the following Essentials listed below?
  1. Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse integrates scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement.
  2. Organizational and Systems Leadership 
    Recognizes that organizational and systems leadership are critical to the promotion of high quality and safe patient care. Leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems-perspective.
  3. Quality Improvement and Safety 
    Recognizes that a master’s-prepared nurse must be articulate in the
    methods, tools, performance measures, and standards related to quality, as well as prepared to apply quality principles within an organization.
  4. Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies research outcomes within the practice setting, resolves practice problems, works as a change agent, and disseminates results.
  5. Informatics and Healthcare Technologies 
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse uses patient-care technologies to deliver and enhance care and uses communication technologies to integrate and coordinate care.
  6. Health Policy and Advocacy
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse is able to intervene at the system level through the policy development process and to employ advocacy strategies to influence health and health care.
  7. Inter-professional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse, as a member and leader of inter-professional teams, communicates, collaborates, and consults with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care.
  8. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health 
    Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.
  9. Master’s-Level Nursing Practice 
    Recognizes that nursing practice, at the master’s level, is broadly defined as any form of nursing intervention that influences healthcare outcomes for individuals, populations, or systems.

Mandatory Final Telecommunication:

The preceptor and instructor will discuss progress towards accomplishment of individualized practice objectives and clarification of any questions surrounding appropriate practicum activities and experiences. This progress evaluation telecommunication is mandatory.

Expert Answer and Explanation

The Project and the AACN MSN Essentials

My name is (). My project focused on reducing incidences of falls in the geriatric department. Falls are one of the major health problems in the geriatric department. Guirguis-Blake et al. (2018) noted that falls increase the cost of care among senior patients. Falls increase the cost of care by prolonging the recovery period, prompting patients to pay for more services. Falls also increase the cost of care by causing new medical problems. My project focused on educating patients about fall prevention strategies as a way of reducing fall incidences in the department. The project was developed by collecting data about the proposed intervention, developing an intervention plan, and implementing the plan. In this video presentation, I will explain how the project helped me accomplish and incorporate all of the nine essentials.

Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities

The project helped me achieve this essential by improving my knowledge of using scientific findings to back the proposed intervention. I used data from quality improvement and biopsychosocial fields to back my proposed intervention. My proposed intervention to reduce incidences of falls in geriatric care was patient education about fall prevention strategies. I conducted a literature review to find evidence-based sources that support the intervention. One of the articles I found that supported the intervention was by LeLaurin and Shorr (2019). The authors found that falls can be successfully prevented by educating patients about fall prevention strategies. The authors reported that patient education can improve patients’ knowledge about falls and how to prevent it. Another study that I used to support the proposed intervention was by Guirguis-Blake et al. (2018). The authors also supported the intervention. I also use quality improvement findings to support my proposed intervention. Apart from my intervention, I also supported the need for the project using evidence-based research. I performed research in various healthcare databases to find scientific evidence to support my findings. Murphy et al. (2018) noted that a practice must be evidence-based. I learned data collection and analysis skills that can help me apply scientific data in decision-making when providing care. In other words, by conducting a literature review, I learned how to integrate data from various healthcare fields to improve care.

Organizational and Systems Leadership 

The project incorporated this essential by exposing me to leadership models that can be used to promote safe and quality patient care. One of the leadership models used in the project was quantum leadership. Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2015) argued that quantum leaders study the future and develop strategies to prevent risks before they happen. I conducted a departmental assessment and found that patients in the geriatric unit are at risk of falls, and thus designed a project which aims to prevent fall incidences from occurring in future. Another form of leadership was transformational leadership. Transformational leadership causes a change in people. The project aimed to change patients’ behavior in a bid to prevent falls. This essential was also integrated by exposing me to leadership skills needed for one to be an effective leader. One of the skills is communication. As the change leader, I communicated the change to stakeholders using effective communication tools. Another skill is decision-making. I improved my decision-making by supporting my decisions with evidence-based research. Other leadership skills that I learned in the project include teamwork, negotiation, conflict management, creativity and innovation, agility and adaptability, and relationship building. These skills will help me propel as a nurse leader.

Quality Improvement and Safety 

The project incorporated this standard in that I proposed an intervention backed by evidence-based research as an effective tool for reducing falls among older people in the geriatric department. Evidence-based practice helps nurses achieve three basic principles of quality of care which include efficiency, effectiveness, and safety. Before proposing that patient, education can be used to reduce falls, I performed a literature review on evidence-based to identify scientific studies that support my assertions. Most of the studies noted that patient education is an effective, safe, and efficient method for preventing falls. Quality and safe care should also be timely. The project incorporated this knowledge by ensuring that it is completed on time. I will apply the same knowledge when providing care to my patients. I will ensure that the nursing interventions I have recommended are evidence-based.

Quality and safety of care also involve allowing patients to decide by themselves whether they can start a treatment plan or not. I applied this knowledge by asking the participants to sign an informed consent form before being part of the project. Lastly, the project incorporated the essential in that I developed a tool that can be used to evaluate the project to determine whether it has achieved its objectives. Similar skills can be used to evaluate healthcare professionals to determine whether they have provided quality care. Interprofessional collaboration can also achieve quality and safety (Phelps et al., 2018). I collaborated with other healthcare professionals in the implementation of the capstone.

Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice 

I achieved this essential in various ways. One of the ways was using research outcomes within the practice setting. I used research outcomes in geriatric care to improve the quality of care for senior patients. I performed literature and used the outcomes of the studies to support the need for the project. Second, I achieved the essential by solving the issue of falls. Falls negatively affect care. I solved falls by educating patients about falls and strategies they can apply to prevent the problem. I worked with the management to develop a project aimed at solving falls in geriatric care. I also achieved this essential by working as a change agent. As a change agent, I noted that geriatric patients were engaging in behaviors which increased their risk of falling while admitted. One of the behaviors is not taking medication as prescribed. Through the project, I changed such behaviors by educating patients about the best practices to reduce falls. Lastly, the project incorporated the essentials in that I disseminated the project results to the hospital board and a nursing journal. I chose a nursing journal because it can be accessed by many professionals. The hospital board was meant for internal stakeholders.

Informatics and Healthcare Technologies 

The project integrated this essential by allowing me to use various healthcare technologies to improve care. Patterson et al. (2013) noted that healthcare technologies improve the quality of care and reduce costs. One of the healthcare technologies used in this project is electronic health records. An EHR is a digital version of a paper chart used to collect and manage patient data. EHRs were used to collect patient data for the project. Data collected using EHR included participants’ demographics, medical history, and other needed information. Technologies were also used when educating the patients. For instance, a PowerPoint presentation was used to educate the patients about falls and falls prevention strategies. A video podcast was also used to provide patients with information about falls and strategies to prevent them. The cloud-based information management system was used to store and secure patients’ information and prevent it from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Other educational technologies used include digital whiteboards and cloud-based learning software. The capstone findings were communicated to external stakeholders virtually through video conferencing.

Health Policy and Advocacy  

This project prepared me for this essential by improving my knowledge of the development of organizational policies. Before the implementation of this project, I presented it to the management to gain their approval to implement the project. I also asked the management to provide me with support in terms of resources I used to implement the project. The findings of this project were the basis for the development of organizational policies on preventing the high prevalence of falls among geriatric patients. I advocated for the inclusion of patient education in patient care. I pushed for a policy to be enforced requiring healthcare professionals to provide patient education on how to prevent falls at home before the patients are discharged. Educating geriatric patients about fall prevention strategies is one of the ways for reducing falls in this population. I used various advocacy strategies to push for the policy. One of the strategies was getting an audience with the management and sharing my proposed policies with them. Second, I advocated for the policy using phone campaigns. Other advocacy strategies I used included workshops, slide shows, seminars, and social media campaigns.

Inter-professional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes 

Interprofessional collaboration is vital in nursing practice. It provides a platform for nurses who work with other healthcare professionals when providing care. Interprofessional collaboration helps nurses provide safe, quality care and streamline communication between healthcare professionals. The project integrated the essentials by allowing me to work with other healthcare professionals and create and implement the intervention. I worked with many healthcare professionals to plan and implement the project. For instance, I worked with social workers to identify patients who are at high risk of falling. The social workers helped me identify the best patients to participate in the project. I worked with a medical physician to assess the patients before including them in the project. I also consulted with geriatric nurses on how best to approach the participants. Geriatric nurses work with senior patients on frequent occasions, and thus have better knowledge of how to handle them. I also worked with a nurse educator in developing a lesson plan that will be used in educating the patients. Nurse educators were used because they are more knowledgeable in health education. Lastly, I consulted a professional researcher about data collection and analysis methods that can be used to manage information gathered in the project.

Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health 

I met this essential by applying nursing knowledge in population care and clinical prevention. I applied client-centred care by customizing the education program for each patient. Customizing care involves providing care that meets the patient’s medical needs. For instance, patients who did not understand English were provided with information consistent with their form of communication. Patients who only understand Spanish were provided educational materials in Spanish. Patients’ culture was also considered when providing care. For instance, patients from Jews community were not provided pock products and shellfish. Jewish culture prohibits Jews from eating shellfish or pork. Lastly, the project met the essential by proposing patient education as an intervention to prevent falls. Patient education is an evidence-based intervention used to prevent falls among the older population. I supported the intervention using scientific research sources. The population cared for in this project are older people aged 65 and above.

Master’s-Level Nursing Practice 

The project met this essential in that I proposed a nursing intervention aimed at reducing incidences of falls. The nursing intervention proposed in this project was patient education. Patients received education moments before discharge on falls and fall prevention to reduce incidences of the medical problem in geriatric care. As a master’s level nurse, I was able to apply and integrate knowledge in advanced mental health into practice by proposing a patient education program about falls and incidences of falls to reduce incidences of falls in geriatric care. I used the leadership skills I learned in the Master’s program to implement the project.


The project helped me meet the nine essentials. For instance, I met the first essential by using scientific findings to back the necessity to implement the proposed intervention. I met the second essential by applying quantum leadership in the development and implementation of the capstone project. I met the third essential by proposing a nursing intervention to improve the quality and safety of care for older people at risk of falls.


Guirguis-Blake, J. M., Michael, Y. L., Perdue, L. A., Coppola, E. L., & Beil, T. L. (2018). Interventions to prevent falls in older adults: Updated evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. Jama, 319(16), 1705-1716. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.21962

LeLaurin, J. H., & Shorr, R. I. (2019). Preventing falls in hospitalized patients: State of the science. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 35(2), 273-283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cger.2019.01.007

Murphy, M. P., Staffileno, B. A., Foreman, M. D., & Bondmass, M. D. (2018). Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., Macmillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Crucial Accountability: Tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments, and bad behavior (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education

Phelps, S., Hyde, L., & Wolf, J. P. (Eds.). (2018). The intersection: where evidence based nursing and information literacy meet. Chandos Publishing

Porter-O’Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: Building better partnership for sustainable health (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning

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